Belt Analyst is a handy tool for conveyor engineers. This program can help you create and evaluate belt conveyers that contain up to 48 pulleys, 360 flights and 20 drive locations. The program features a large database that provides belt constructions and common material properties that can be used or you can even create your own with just the data that you need for a specific project.
This engineering tool offers the possibility to complete the number of tools available by specially designed add-ins such as Feeder, Transition, Turnover or Vertical Curve Analyst, to help you reduce the time you need to create and evaluate a full analysis. You can check loading conditions, worse case scenarios and with the help of the 3D viewer you can see any part of the conveyor or even the entire thing.
The commands are grouped in an organized fashion on the left side of the main window for an easy access, and for those who are new to this type of software the help section is complete with all indications and information on how to get started with Belt Analyst.